Monday, March 24, 2008


Okay, so last week the updates were all messed up. I only got one update up, and it was on Thursday. But I put up today's, and so I'm back on track. I'll probably just write off the three missing updates, and go on from here. Sorry.

On another note, this is Chapter 13 for Superstition.

I'm not gonna lie, I wish I had something a little more special, considering the history of that magic number. But I think I am gonna aim to end the story on a chapter that is a multiple of 13. So you've got at least another 13 chapters. Or 26. Or 39. Or maybe less. As much as I think it'd be cool to end on a multiple of 13, I've gotta let the story take me where it wants to go, within the framework of the plot I've got planned.

Also, thanks to whoever clicked on one of my links. That earned me some real money. :)


Sonja said...

May I be nosy and ask how real is real? :p Reason I ask is I'm still comparing Project Wonderful ads to google.

Allan T Michaels said...

40 cents. :-P

But compared to the penny I had up until then....

I'm thinking you're better off with Project Wonderful, which pays by impressions, rather than clicks.

Sonja said...

Yes, definitely.

3.14 cents selling ad space,

Though I have spent 3.81 cents in advertizing.

Allan T Michaels said...

Well you know what they say. Gotta spend money to make money.