Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Advertising update #2

As of this writing, I have had 145 clicks on my ads, 133 of them unique. Yesterday, I had well over 300 page views out of a total of 1800 since the site started up back in February. I've also nearly doubled my ad income since launching the blitz, compared to what I'd earned up to this point.

Now, I'm no where near paying for my ad outlay, and I have no idea how many people stuck around to read more than the intro chapter, and how many will continue to come back. But I've had at least 12 repeat visitors and everyone who came read an average of 3 chapters. So I'm inclined to think I picked up some new folks (again, if you're here, I'd love to hear from you).

Because I'm running Google Ads, it'll likely be a long time before I make back the money I've spent thus far on advertising. But that's okay. I think I've advertised enough for now. Hopefully, if you like my writing, you'll send your friends my way. Or hey, if you don't like it, send them here to mock it - Google doesn't care WHY you stop by, just THAT you stop by. ;)

But overall, I've seen a return on my investment from all three places I chose to advertise, and thus I deem the experiment a success. Thanks for reading!

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