Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yet more advertising

So I've decided to sink my entire remaining Project Wonderful funds into buying one day on Tales of Mu, advertising An Empire of Law.

I have high hopes this will bring in more readers. On the plus side, about a quarter of what I'm spending is money I have raised from my own PW ads. I'd like to get that ratio closer to 1:1, and hopefully this will work to make that happen.

Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pages Unbound

I have been getting a lot of traffic to An Empire of Law from Pages Unbound. This might have to do with the fact that I am second on the "Hottest Stories" page. However, that's based on only one review. I would really appreciate it if readers would take a short time to leave a review, so that others might get your input.

Additionally, while I fully agree with the two reviews for Superstition, they were both based on the first few chapters of Book 1. I feel my writing has improved since then, and that the current ratings are something of a disservice to Dashiell and Regina. Therefore, if you have enjoyed that story, I would ask for your reviews there as well.

I appreciate any and all feedback. I really just want to spread the word to as many people as possible.

Advertising Update #5

So I experimented with having two ad boxes on Superstition, one skyscraper and one half-banner. Given that the half-banner rarely sold its space and the fact that I am now advertising on An Empire of Law, I decided to ditch the second ad on Superstition.

I don't think it would have been so bad, except that it really was only rarely filled, and since the Superstition color scheme is black, and the empty Project Wonderful ad is white, I felt it was creating an awful clash.

Additionally, I think I'm going to do some PW advertising of An Empire of Law. My Superstition ad brought in a lot of traffic, and many of you stayed. Now, I want to get the word out on my other project. So look for a banner at a webnovel near you!

And hey, if you want to give me a link in your sidebar, or spread the word to your friends, well, I'd appreciate that too.


For those who may have noticed, the reason I have been updating later than usual is that I am on vacation on the West Coast for the next five or six weeks. I tend to write in the evenings, which meant that, while home on the East Coast, I was posting before midnight EDT. Now, that I'm out west, I'm closer to midnight PDT.

I hope this hasn't been causing problems. But for those in the Eastern United States or Canada, or for my overseas readers, you might consider the update schedule to be a day later than advertised.

But rest assured, I refuse to let my time away from home interfere with my regular updates.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Superstition Book 2

Chapter 1 of the new Superstition story has begun. Join Dashiell and Regina as they try to unravel a brand new caper!